
Welcome on website of the Mirror of Stage (MOS) theatre



21st February 2025 at 7:15pm, Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland


Legenda o Smoku Wawelskim – Meet the Dragon

18 January 2025, Southside Community Centre, Edinburgh

Charity event as a part of, FREE ENTRY!

Annual roundup 2024 with MOS

It was a good Year and hopefully 2025 will be even better – all the best and see you in theatre!

All the best for this Christmas and a Happy New Year! See You All very soon – yours MOS Theatre!

Our upcoming show of ŚWIECZKA ZGASŁA (The Candle has gone out) is in Polish, but has been enjoyed also by a non-Polish members of the Audience. Here’s the feedback of one of them:

„Even without knowing what was said I understood the general story. And your tears were so believable I felt so sad for your character being stranded, cold and hungry in the hut. The other actors potato monologue was very emotional and dramatic! And the chemistry between you two was well acted. That scene were he keeps trying to get your affection could have been set at any time or place and would have worked perfectly.”

It seems to prove that THEATRE is indeed a one and only kind of a medium. The one that can completely rearrange all barriers including the language ones. So, if you’re a non-Polish speaker and would like to experiment and experience such thing in theatre, please join us:

🗓️ SUNDAY 8th September at 5:00pm

Address: PM Polish Combatant Association, 11 Drummond Pl, Edinburgh EH3 6PJ

TICKETS: https://www.tickettailor.com/…/themirrorofstage…/1189261

The event is co-organised by the Scottish Polish Cultural Association(SPCA) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇵🇱

After the successful show in The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Glasgow

MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY comes back to Edinburgh!

SAVE THE DATE for THE PARTY OF THE SEASON in the capital of Scotland

What’s On Network – What’s On Edinburgh

– 26th July 2024 at 7:00pm –

North and South Leith Church Halls, 6 Henderson Street,
Edinburgh, EH6 6BS


What’s On Network – What’s On Glasgow


Here we go – MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY comes back!


– 22nd June 2024 at 6:00pm –

in the world’s oldest surviving music hall situated in the heart of Glasgow’s historic city centre

– Britania Panopticon – 113-117 Trongate, Glasgow G1 5HD

Performance in the world’s oldest surviving music hall situated in the heart of Glasgow’s historic city centre:


Happy Easter Everyone not only from Dorimene, Monsieur Jourdain and Madame Jourdain (part of Moliere’s Garden Party cast) but from the whole team of MOS Theatre – we wish You all the best for the festive time 🎭

Annual roundup collage – bye bye 2023! It was good and busy year to us, hopefully 2024 won’t be worse!


Have you known that there are performances in our repertoire which we can bring to you… please check COLLAB for more details and CONTACT US to find out more

WAWEL DRAGON nad MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY are available now for both indoor and outdoor events

Hysteria Festival – reviews for WHISPERS by Weekend Notes and Fashion Mooomy’s Blog

HYSTERIA is a women-led theatre and arts festival celebrating the diverse and powerful voices of female-identifying playwrights, directors, actors, comedians, creatives and designers.

The festival will be taking place from Saturday 22nd until Sunday 30th July at The Old Rep Theatre in the heart of Birmingham’s city centre – Whispers is behing us but you can still catch up more of festivals’events!

The most recent premiere of MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY – new photos in our GALLERY

Photo: MOS’s archive, Actors (from left): Ashley Barlow, Stephen Corrall, Pat Zajac

MOS on StagEHd Edinburgh’s Theatre Festival

Opening show of MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY – Sunday 11th June 6:00pm, Ross Bandstand Princess Street Gardens

Photo: MOS’s archive, Actors (from left): Adam Barnett, Suzanne Carol Senior, Stephen Corrall, Pat Zajac, Mikolaj Figiel, Ashley Barlow,Karolina Oleskiewicz

All Edinburgh Theatre.com – StagEHd Fest Details

StageEHd the open-access, free-to-attend festival of theatre is to return to the Ross Bandstand on the weekend of Saturday 10/Sunday 11 June 2023 with a dozen pieces from Edinburgh’s independent, grassroots and community theatre companies.(…) The Mirror of Stage / Lustro SCENY, Edinburgh’s bilingual English and Polish theatre company close out the festival on Sunday evening at 6pm with Molière’s Garden Party, a funny yet thoughtful play that unravels the absurdity of human nature, which is an an adaptation of one of Molière’s famous comedies, The Bourgeois Gentleman.


New faces in MOS theatrical team – Suzanne Senior and Karolina Oleskiewicz – two fabulous actresses who have joined our theatre as part of the cast in our most recent StagEHd festival production MOLIERE’S GARDEN PARTY. Welcome on board ladies!

If you want to read more about our new creatives, visit TEAM.

MOS in collab with The Scottish Polish Cultural Association

about another evening of music and literature. In the beautiful setting of Broughton St Mary’s Church, you may join us for a ceilidh (gathering) of tunes, songs and poetry from Scotland, Poland, Ukraine and other countries. On 25 February, at 7:30pm the Scottish Polish Cultural Association is cordially inviting your to another event commemorating Rabbie Burns – Sangs An Clatter: a mix of Scottish, Polish and Ukrainian poetry, songs, music and stage performance, followed by a modest reception. Our theatre is going to perform premiered mini solo show of SWITEZIANKA, RZECZ O MOCY MIŁOSNEJ PRZYSIĘGI… – a famous Polish ballad by Adam Mickiewicz, adapted and performed by Pat Zajac.

Here’s our annual roundup at what a year it was! We wish you all the best for the 2023 and see You in theatre!

MOS on Fringe 2022 with a solo show WHISPERS

Have you seen reviews that WHISPERS received during and after the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – read them here

WHISPERS by MOS, Photo: Barbara Eva Photography Actor: Pat Zajac

Made in Edinburgh EdFringe 2022, All Edinburgh’s Theatre at EdFringe 2022

Emotionally epic solo show of desire and destruction with the nineteenth century Penny dreadfuls thrills!

Trailers & Teasers

More details: https://www.facebook.com/whisperstheatricalplay/?ref=pages_you_manage

WHISPERS official poster by Mr B. Photobooth, Actor: Pat Zajac

StagEHd Edinburgh’s Theatre Festival with outdoor show WAWEL DRAGON

Visit our Fb gallery from Kowalonek Photography and John Preece! More details

StgEHd Festival WAWEL DRAGON’S performance in Edinburgh was made in collab with Storrada Hird – Drużyna Wojów Świętosławy, the Polish group portraying slavic and scandinavian warriors of X/XI century. Its mission is to promote living history, experimental archeology and eastern combat system in UK. This is full contact honour-based sport and there are point-scoring rounds. There are target zones, and specific rules assigned to it, to ensure it’s safe and interesting to watch. They organise shows and events to present skills during duels and battles. However fighting isn’t the only thing they do. They also love so called Viking hiking, do historical cooking and workshops to explore early medieval crafts and activities.

Time to begin our chivalrous competition! Welcome our brave knights and warriors”

We are just after opening show of TRZY SIOSTRY – POZA CZASEM (show in Polish)

Glasgow audience was, as you can see, very impressed!

Sisters are coming back soon so stay up to date with What’s on

Joanna Mogilnitskiy/Olga, Pat Zajac/Masha, Marta Mazur/Irina Photos: Kata Opuntia